ISRLC 2014 Conference
작성자 : 관리자 등록일시 : 2013-12-20 15:43
International Society for Religion Literature and Culture

We are happy to report ? finally ? that the 17th Biennial ISRLC Conference will be held at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) in Belgium, from 18-20 September, 2014. The conference theme will be "Re-imagining Human", and a corresponding Call for Papers, will be issued shortly. Please stay tuned. But since many of you have been asking, we did want you to know that a venue and date have now been set, so that you can mark it off on your diaries and calendars. We hope to see as many of you there as possible. It promises to be yet another stimulating event.

We are also happy to announce that this year’s Literature and Theology Annual Lecture Series will take place at the American Academy of Religion’s conference in Baltimore. Our distinguished speaker will be Dr. Pamela Sue Anderson, with a lecture entitled “Shadows of the Past: Phantoms of the Negative and Traces of the Affective”. The Lecture will take place Saturday, November 23 from 7:00-9:00 PM in the Camden Room at the Sheraton Inner Harbor. In the centenary year of Paul Ricoeur’s birth, Anderson will explore Ricoeur’s confidence in the positive power of memory, confronting abuses and uses of the past in two of Ricoeur’s own phrases concerning memory, “phantoms of the negative” and “traces of the affective”.

The event is free, and all are invited. There will be a drinks reception to follow the Lecture. If you are attending the AAR, it would be great to see you at this event, and feel free to bring along others. If you are not planning to be at the AAR, please spread the word to others who are.

(If you are looking in the AAR’s Program Book, the Session # is M23-430, under Receptions/Breakfasts, with “Oxford University Press” listed as the sponsor.)

With all best wishes,

Andrew Hass,

Secretary, ISRLC Committee
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